Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Down On My Knees

Down on My Knees
By Jana Alayra

If I lose the wonder in my heart
Help me to remember who You are

If I forget the meaning of the cross
Help me to remember what it cost

How amazing that You died for me
So I can be set forever free
You gave Your life
So I will never die!

There’s a place I need to be
Where the truth is plain to see

Gotta go down, gotta go down
Gotta go down on my knees

There’s a place I need to go
Where mercy and forgiveness flow

Gotta go down, gotta go down
Gotta go down on my knees
If I lose the wonder in my heart
Help me to remember who You are

If I forget the meaning of the cross
Help me to remember what it cost

How amazing that You died for me
So I can be set forever free
You gave Your life
So I will never die!

There’s a place I need to be
Where the truth is plain to see

Gotta go down, gotta go down
Gotta go down on my knees

There’s a place I need to go
Where mercy and forgiveness flow

Gotta go down, gotta go down
Gotta go down on my knees

There’s a place I need to be
Where the truth is plain to see

Gotta go down, gotta go down
Gotta go down on my knees

There’s a place I need to go
Where mercy and forgiveness flow

Gotta go down, gotta go down
Gotta go down on my knees

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