Friday, October 1, 2010

Press On

Press On
By Jana Alayra

One thing I do
Forgetting what is behind
And straining toward what is ahead
I press on

I press on
Toward the goal
To win
win the prize

I press on
Toward the goal
To win, win the prize
For which God has called me
Heavenward in Christ Jesus

I have fought the good fight
I have finished the race
I have kept the faith, I press on
I have fought the good fight
I have finished the race
I have kept the faith

I press on
Toward the goal
To win
win the prize

I press on
Toward the goal
To win, win the prize
For which God has called me
Heavenward in Christ Jesus

I have fought the good fight
I have finished the race
I have kept the faith
I press on

I press on
Toward the goal
To win
win the prize

I press on
Toward the goal
To win
 win the prize
For which God has called me
Heavenward in Christ Jesus

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